Portal Updated: Columbia Soft Document Locator to Version 7.1

Offerings_Hosting_370x320We are happy to announce that our proprietary Portal Software, has been updated with the latest Columbia Soft Document Locator to version 7.1 The new version has many new features, the most important is the ability to view data on mobile devices.

From the Columbia Soft website: WebTools version 7 is engineered using the latest HTML5 technology to provide an intuitive,easy-to-use navigation.

 Here’s what’s new:

  • Works on all major browsers, including Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.
  • Faster page loading and improved speed performance.
  • Designed for easy finger-friendly navigation on touchscreens and tablets.
  • A “Favorites” selector makes it easy to build a list of everyday files.
  • Informative context menus are available at a right-click.

Product release information: http://www.documentlocator.com/downloads/docs/versionreleases/version7.pdf http://www.documentlocator.com/downloads/docs/versionreleases/version7-1.pdf


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