AEC Cloud Hosting Update: Upgrade to Document Locator V7 Completed

AEC Cloud Hosting has completed the upgrade of our offering of hosted Document Locator software to latest version 7. Our clients will now enjoy the most advanced document management tool available to the industry, with all of its latest upgrades and updates. Document Locator v7 | Enterprise Document Management

Web access is entirely new in version 7, making it easier than ever to access your files online! The new WebTools companion for the Windows integrated document management software offers finger-friendly navigation on touch screens and tablets. Employees, vendors, clients... anyone you authorize can access files in the document management system.

WebTools version 7 is engineered using the latest HTML5 technology to provide an intuitive, easy-to-use navigation. Here’s what’s new:

  • Works on all major browsers, including Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.

  • Faster page loading and improved speed performance.

  • Designed for easy finger-friendly navigation on touchscreens and tablets.

  • A “Favorites” selector makes it easy to build a list of everyday files.

  • Informative context menus are available at a right-click.

Document Locator is integrated with Microsoft Windows Explorer and Microsoft Office, making document mansgement seamless and intuitive. Version control, document workflow, paperless scanning, email management, and a full complement of document control features are available in the document management system.

View all the features of the new version of Document Locator V7 here.


AEC Cloud hosts Document Locator V7, among a long list of other software specific to the AEC industry. The benefits of letting AEC Cloud host your software applications, is that you will never have to worry about product updates again. All updates are handled internally and updated on down times during the weekends. The updates are fully tested before release to ensure a smooth transition to the next version.

In most cases, you will not even know there was a product update until we announce it.

If you are thinking about moving all or part of your business to the cloud, give us a call and let us show you how to leverage the myriad benefits of cloud hosting.


Cloud Hosting, NewsWes Smith